Upcoming Events
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Past President
Reporting Secretary
Meeting Secretary
Treasurer Assistant
Foundation Treasurer
Lieutenant Governor Div 12
Governor Georgia Distict
Club Information
The Kiwanis Club of Carrollton Georgia
Chartered in 1947
Carrollton Kiwanis Club

Serving the Children of the World

We meet In Person
Fridays at 11:59 a.m.
Hubbard Dining Room
UWG Dine West
Carrollton, GA 30118
United States of America
Every Friday at Noon
Home Page Stories
Carrollton Police Chief Joel Richards spoke to the Carrollton Kiwanis Club on January 31, 2025 in UWG's Hubbard Dining room.
He spoke of the danger of Fentanyl, a synthetic manmade drug approved by the FDA for use as a pain reliver and anesthetic.  It is about 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 percent more potent than heroin.
Governor Kemp signed Austin's Law into law in April 2024.  Austin's Law, named after Austin Waters, who died at the age of 30 after taking what he thought was a Xanax pill that he purchased off the street.  Austin's Law will make it possible to arrest and convict on aggravated involuntary manslaughter charges for cause of death for manufacturing or distributing a substance containing fentanyl; knowledge is not required.
Photo January 31, 2025:   Mark Herring and Police Chief Joel Richards
Dr. Kimberly Prince Korobov is a licensed professional counselor in private practice here in Carrollton Ga.  She actually practices in Fred Richard's office on Tanner Street.  You may recognize her if you attended his celebraton of life - she officiated the event.  
She is excited to be here and wants to meet more of us, (so introduce yourself!) and she's hoping to join Kiwanis.
She thinks this is a wonderful organization!  
Savryn is eleven years old and is a member of the Middle School tennis team 
Jimmy Drew -  Jimmy Drew attended this week as a Tanner volunteer services representative and as a guest of Lacey Robinson.  This is in keeping with Volunteer services rotating member attendance.
Jimmy worked for UWG as supervisor of publications and printing department.  He retired in 1996.  He went on to pastor sereral Methodist churces until 2009.  He currently serves as volunteer at Tanner hospital and has been there for fifteen years, and has served on the leadership team for the last two years.
Josh Williams - Josh is a guest of Bo Bass.  Josh and Amy have two children:  Marlee 21, and Cole 16.  Josh has submitted his membership application.
The Kiwanis Foundation awarded $1,500 in scholarships to high school art students.
please click the "read more" button to  see honorable mentions ...
The Carrollton Kiwanis Foundation awarded $1,500 in scholarships to winners in the 2025 Music Showcase on Sunday, February 2, 2025.
The Trojan Trebles, a vocal quintet from Carrollton High School, were awarded first place and split evenly a five hundred dollar scholarship in the juried music competition.  They sang an unaccompanied arrangement of Georgia On My Mind.  
photo:  l to r:  Laney Quinn, Senior;  Morgan Lee, Senior;  Joselyn Hernandez, Senior;  Kendall Dobbs, Senior;  and Molly Wallis, Freshman.
Aanya Rachel Lovett, a Senior from Central High School, was awarded the second place and a four hundred dollar scholarship in the juried music competition.  she sang L'heure Exquise and was accompanied by Ruthie Phillips on piano.
Tripp Jones Byrd, a Sophomore from Central High School, was awarded the third place and a three hundred dollar scholarship in the juried music competition.  He sang Caro Mio Bien and was accompanied by Ruthie Phillips on piano.
Claire Bentley, a Junior from Bremen High School, was awarded the fourth place and a two hundred dollar scholarship in the juried music competition.  She was played Two Russian Pieces and was  accompanied on piano by Breda Andrews.
The duet called The Slime Guys; consisting of Yael Ramirez on alto saxophone, and Gray Langlo on piano, both Juniors from Carrollton High School, played an arrangement of Misty, and won fifth place and shared a one-hundred dollar scholarship in the juried music competition.
February Birthdays 2025
05   Milton Berry
05   Bill Erickson
08   Johnny Tanner
19   Cathy Farley
21   Jackie Bridges
25   David Harris
27   Bob Myers

February Anniversaries
04   Joe & Patricia Bell
18   Terry & Cynthia Langley
17   Edward & Angelia Landrum
22   Mike and Jean Conley
A message from the President-Elect
I need to know your preference on work hours and which job you prefer for the Saturdays of the pancake breakfast(s).
Please volunteer !
Please call (678) 796-5749 or e-mail jlkey1851@gmail.com
Thank you !
Dr. Omar Lattouf
Feb 14, 2025 11:59 PM
Thoracic and Heart Surgery
Dr. Tom Peterson
Feb 21, 2025 11:59 AM
Georgia Kiwanis Governor David Simmons
Feb 28, 2025 6:30 PM
GA Division 12 Governor's Rally
Peggy Smith
Mar 07, 2025 11:59 AM
Youth Mentoring
Mark Albertus and Scott Cowart
Mar 14, 2025 9:59 AM