Posted by Dr. Fred Richards on Oct 01, 2021

Let the visitor beware -
for Dr. Fred Richards
Introduces guests

with a FLARE !!!




Guests October 1, 2021

Karen Williams  -  President Clint Backstrom said adieu and surrendered the gavel to Dale Williams.  Looking on with adoration was our new First Lady, Karen Williams, bringing to the inaugural occasion a combination of sweet solemnity and loving humor.



  Chantrice Swint  -   Derick Newton, over the years mentor to multitudes, brought once again another outstanding prospective member, Chantrice Swint, to our club.  A FInancial Advisor with Edward Jones, she is a graduate of UWG and also holds two master's degrees in her field.  She has two children, 15 and 17.  We look forward to her return.


 - Fred




Invite Guests !
[  Editor's note:   When you bring a guest, please collect contact information.  Thanks to  Matthew Clay for designing the Guest Form that is parked on the Club's website.  We will add friends to the weekly e-bulletin and stay in touch.  ]