Posted on Apr 28, 2023
April 14:  The nominating committee chaired by Jim Collins presented the slate of nominees for the year 2023-2024 at the regular meeting on Friday, April 14, 2023.
Thanks to past-presidents who served on the nominating committee chaired by Jim Collins:  Clint Backstrom, Joe Bell, Bob Graf, Randy Miller, and Tim Warren.
Thanks to the following Servants :
Directors elected for term 2023-2025:  Jennifer McNiel, Lacey Robinson, and Travis Thomaston.
Directors to continue for term 2022-2024:  Dr. Jimmy Brock, Shane Davis, and Jared Griffis.
 Officers nominated for term 2023-2024:
 President Paul McDaniel, President-Elect Mark Herring, Vice-President Joey Key, and Past-President Johnny Tanner.
Secretary Jenny Ingram, Meeting Secretary Mike Spier, Treasurer Joe Tarshis, Foundation Treasurer Jim Carter.
April 21:  In the business session, the motion was passed to close the nominations.
April 28:  The Carrollton Kiwanis Club elected officers and directors for the year 2023-2024.