Cody Bentley and Linda Robles attended the 2016 Key Leader Event this weekend at the FFA/FHA Camp Ground Facility in Covington, Ga  with the Lead Coordinator Darryl Gumz and his partner in Key Club crime, Wanda.





Cody joined Kiwanis in 2015 and answered the call to go serve at this year’s Key Leader event. Cody served as an adult volunteer counselor and assisted immensely in the registration processes with Linda Robles—this year’s Site Coordinator. Teamwork made all of the difference.


Cody impacted many Key Club students, including, Ariana Espinosa (Carrollton Middle School), who greeted and escorted all of the female Key Club participants (parents) to their cabins;  and Luis Toro (Carrollton HS), who attended last year, but served as a Student Facilitator this year—he too greeted all of the male Key Club participants (parents) to their cabins. Adeline Lewis of Carrollton HS-Key Club also shined this weekend! Thanks Cody!


I observed our local participants, as well as, Key Clubbers and Kiwanians from all over the state of Georgia working in unison for the common goal sowing seeds of Character, Leadership and Teamwork.


Kim White, lead Facilitator, rocked as this weekend’s instructor to the Key Club experience this year! We hope to see her again in the near future.


Thank you to the Carrollton Kiwanis Club for the many donated snacks, drinks, supplies and other vehicles that made Key Leader an absolute success April 8-10, 2016!