Let the visitor beware -
for Dr. Fred Richards
Introduces guests
with a FLARE !!!
Guests August 11 2023
Crystal Simpkins - We enjoyed the opportunity to welcome Christal Simpkins, the wife of Rev. Randy Simpkin, who presented an inspiring program on his being called to donate one of his kidneys to save the life of a stranger, who is now his friend. Christal and Randy have three sons, Zach, Tucker and Joe. Zach, a baritone, was a winner in a past Art and Music Showcase organized by our club. Christal and Randy also have two special "daughters-in-love" and a wonderful granddaughter, Elizabeth Mae.
Stuart Lewis - Prospective Kiwanian Stuart Lewis joined his father-in-law to hear the program by Randy Simpkins.
Samira Barnett - Also present was Times-Georgian reporter and UWG graduate Samira Barnett. As always, we appreciate the Times-Georgian's coverage of our outstanding programs!
- Fred
Invite Guests !
[ Editor's note: When you bring a guest, please collect contact information. Thanks to Matthew Clay for designing the Guest Form that is parked on the Club's website. We will add friends to the weekly e-bulletin and stay in touch. ]