Greetings and Happy New Year!
Feel the love! Share your love of reading and children during February!
It is time to sign up for our February 12,Head Start Reading times.  We should provide at least 2 readers at each center. Please e-mail me at your convenience if you are able to read on February 12, as well as the center you wish to attend. You may want to call ahead to let the Center know you are coming. 
Carrollton Head Start Center, 619 Willie North St., Carrollton, 770-836-1023




Harry Morgan Head Start Center, 151 Hm. Fulbright Dr., Carrollton, 770-834-2540

We will read at each center from 10:00 - 11:00 am.

Below are additional dates for the rest of the year. I will continue to send monthly email reminders. We only have 3 more times after February to read in this school year!

March 12, April 23, May 14

Again, I thank you for your committed support of the Head Start Reading Program.



Paula Gillispie