Posted on Aug 26, 2023
Barry Gardner, Past-President of the Fairfield Plantation Kiwanis Club, was selected at the Georgia District Convention to enter officer rotation as Vice-Governor for the term 2023-2024.
Photo:  (Officers 2023-2024) Darryl Gumz, Past-Governor, Brent Leslie, Governor, David Simmons, Governor-Elect, and Barry Gardner, Vice-Governor.
There were four voting delegates from the Carrollton Kiwanis Club :
Photo:  Richard Dixon, Jennifer McNiel, Neil Weathington, and Nancy Dixon.  The Officer election was uncontested and one amendment was passed which will expand the field of potential candidates for Lt. Governor in the future.
At the concluding ceremony on Sunday, August 27, 2023, the Immediate Past-Officers and Past-Lieutenant Governors handed the Banners to their successors.
Photo:  Division 12:  Latha Narayan passes Lt. Governor Banner to Neil Weathington.
Lynn Weathington poses with best selling author and Saturday night keynote speaker Ronda Rich.  (Ronda Rich also has a regular column in the Times-Georgian.)
Both ladies hope that Lynn's purchase propels Ronda's latest book to the best seller list.