The Governor's Rally for Division 12 was held Friday, April 15, 2016 at the Carrollton Cultural Arts Center.
Dinner was provided by LaTratoria and was served on the stage of the Danny Mabry Theater.
Let this be a sign unto you:
A special thanks goes out to the staff of Carrollton's Cultural Arts Center for hosting this event.
All clubs in Division 12 were represented.  The Governor and Lt. Dan met with the club presidents and secretaries prior to the dinner.
The new succession of Lt. Governors for Division 12:
2015-2016  Dan Lewis - Carrollton Kiwanis Club
2016-2017  Bob Uglum - Carrollton Golden-K (not pictured)
2017-2018  John Sell - Douglas County Kiwanis Club
2018-2019  Dr. Bob Pinckney - Fairfield Kiwanis Club
Let Georgia Kiwanians be warned:  
The Governor has a new joke to use in his speeches - which he rehearsed for his home division.  
The back row peanut gallery fashioned grading signs for the new joke.
Looks like he got a 2, 3, and 4.  
Good thing he's improving ?
photo - Joke Judges:  George Elkins, Juanita Edwards, and Carol Wisdom.