Kiwanis Club of Carrollton Georgia

Nov 17, 2023 12:00 PM
UWG Move to DI
Nov 24, 2023 12:00 PM
Dec 01, 2023 12:00 PM
Kiwanis International Youth Protection Program
Dec 08, 2023 12:00 PM
surprise program (not about Oak Mountain Academy) Meeting Location American Pie Pizza on Maple St.
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Kristian Whittington
Kristian (Kris) Whittington presented a very heartfelt and energetic program to the Carrollton Kiwanis Club on Friday, November 10, 2023 in UWG's Hubbard Dining Room.  At Villa Rica's Midway Church, she leads music on the worship team.  At Southwire, she is the Director of the "Giving Back" Program, and mentioned many of the programs executed by Southwire to involve the second and third generation of owners, team members and volunteers in philanthropic efforts to share with the community.
Photo:  Paul McDaniel, Kiwanis President, and Kristian Whittington, Director of Southwire's Giving Back Programs.
This Powerpoint Screen lists the top programs for returning benefits to Southwire's communities:
Aktion Club
AKTION Club - the Kiwanis Club for Adults with Special Needs :
The Carrollton Kiwanis Club sponsored the meeting of the Aktion Club on Monday, November 13, 2023 in the Carroll County Training Center.
Jim Carter presented a lesson on "Veterans Day" and all the participants provided helped fill in art with color pencils.
Vice-President Anna poses with the gavel and Kiwanis International Aktion Club bell:
Photo:  Neil Weathington, Donna McWhorter, Jim Carter, Sandra Morris, and Dr. Jimmy Brock
Herald's Report November 10, 2023

Let the visitor beware -
for Dr. Fred Richards
Introduces guests

with a FLARE !!!



Guests November 10, 2023
Photo:  From left to right: Shivam Aggarwal, Noah Brewer, Emma McBride, Charlotte Collins, James Noori, Madison Akin, Will Roberson, Luke Zimmer
Noah Brewer, long-time Key Club Sponsor, English Teacher and IB Coordinator at Carrollton High School, brought seven talented and impressive Key Club members to today's meeting:  Shivam Aggarwal (11th grader who has lived in India for most of his life); Madison Akin (a senior who loves musicals); Charlotte Collins (11th grader who is an officer in Key Club at Carrollton and plays competitive tennis and plays for the Carrollton team); Emma McBride (12th grader and co-president of Key Club at Carrollton and a competitive swimmer for the Bluefins and Carrollton High School); James Noori (12th grader and co-president of the Carrollton High School Key Club and an aspiring international cyclist); Will Roberson (12th grader and a fellow who can't bend his thumbs);  Luke Zimmer (11th grader who has lived in 4 different countries and is the Events Chair of the Georgia Key Club District).
- Fred
[  Editor's note:   When you bring a guest, please collect contact information.  Thanks to  Matthew Clay for designing the Guest Form that is parked on the Club's website.  We will add friends to the weekly e-bulletin and stay in touch.  ]
Invite Guests !!
Please invite guests to the Kiwanis Club.  If one other member will bring a guest in November, we will qualify as having participated in Kiwanis International's Two-for-Two program for this month.   After that, we need at least two members to bring guests each month.
Please take time study this:  (click to open the next line)
Thanks !  There will be a test !   ( - :
Fifty - Fifty Raffle (November 10)

Fred's number was called, and he asked the Carrollton Key Club for a  volunteer to pick a card.
There was no luck finding the Joker - but a $ 10 consolation prize is awarded
to Carrollton High Student: Shivam Aggarwal.
The pot thickens to $231, and once again the members of the Kiwanis Club are not playing with a full deck; only 48 cards remain. 
Board of Directors - October 2023
Kiwanis Club of Carollton Georgia
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7