The University Circle K leaders visited the Carrollton Kiwanis Club on Friday February 2, and presented an update in the Hubbard Dining Room of activities for the collegiate Kiwanis activities.
The Carrollton Kiwanis Foundation presented two thousand dollars in scholarships to high school artists and musicians at the annual local juried Kiwanis Art and Music Showcase held at Carrollton’s Center for the Arts on Sunday, February 4, 2024. The winning art and music will compete for larger scholarships in the Georgia District Showcase in Macon on April 27, 2024.
Photo (l to r) Marcella Kuykendall, Visual Arts Coordinator; Robert Graf, Kiwanis Foundation; Annie Barker, Villa Rica Senior, fourth place; Gabby Stonecypher, Bowdon Senior, third place; Abigail Cihla, Bowdon Sophomore, Second Place; Benjamin Haralson, Central Senior, First Place; and Zarrian Bowen, Villa Rica Senior, Best in Show; Randy Miller, Kiwanis Foundation.
Photo (l to r) Gray Langlo, Carrollton Sophomore, piano; Neil Weathington, Kiwanis Showcase Chair; and Connor Haley, Bassoon. Haley and Langlo won scholarship of five hundred dollars for performance of Movement II of Telemann’s Sonata in F Minor for Bassoon and Piano.
Let the visitor beware - for Dr. Fred Richards Introduces guests with a FLARE !!!
Guests February 2, 2024:
Blake Kitchens - Randy Miller invited prospective member Blake Kitchens. Blake and his wife, BreAnna, have three children (1, 3, and 4) and also one on the way. Employed with Integrity Financial Solutions in Carrollton, Blake helps retirees understand and receive Medicare benefits. He also serves as Bi-Vocational Pastor ministering to youth at Hope Church in Carrollton and has recently launched Young Adults Ministry. Sounds like he's already a Kiwanian!
Tim Bearden - Shane Davis brought and introduced Tim Bearden, Republican candidate for State Senate, District 30. Tim and wife, Triska, have been married for 29 years. Early voting is now ongoing and the election is February 13th.
Stan Lee - Jim Collins invited pal and fellow members of the 1966 Class of CHS, Steve Lee. Remembered for his charm, humor, and tennis playing, Steve went on to work around the wold consulting with theme parks such as Six Flags. We always appreciate his visits.
Jackson Witsell - We enjoyed a visit from Jackson Witsell, who handles Academic Techology Services at UWG's Ingram Library. Hope he returns so I can give him the introduction he deserves.
The UWG Circle-K Club presented an informative program of their activities and service. Among those present were: Freshman Jessica Adbotor, pre-Nursing major and part of SGA and Debate; Sophomore Reggie Ponder, poet and Secondary Education major; Junior Kaniesha Williams, Sociology major and Psychology minor; K.P. Gerber, a Marketing major and social media chair on the CKI Executive Board; VIce President Justice Bell and Graphic Design major; and President Victoria Biel, a senior Business Management major.
Margaret Miller - Shane Davis inducted new member, Marine Colonel Margaret Miller. Remember to salute her and give her a hug!
Bring Guests !
[ Editor's note: When you bring a guest, please collect contact information. Thanks to Matthew Clay for designing the Guest Form that is parked on the Club's website. We will add friends to the weekly e-bulletin and stay in touch. ]