We have several opportunities to acknowledge outstanding Kiwanians at the Governor's Rally, I need your recommendations of your club of individuals who should be recognized:
(We need to move ASAP to allow for application process and ordering medallions.)
Leadership Medallion
The Governor’s Leadership Medallion is a special recognition for Kiwanians within the Georgia District who have exemplified outstanding leadership skills by strengthening their club, division and/or the district furthering the mission of Kiwanis International.
To maintain the integrity of the award, a specified number of awardees are not guaranteed. Clubs may nominate one or more members. Lt. Governors will decide on the semifinalists and submit to the governor. The governor, governor elect and vice governor will decide on the award winners. Clubs will be notified of the winners and every effort should be made to have families of the winners attend the division rally when the award will be given. Submit a nomination. (We need to move ASAP to allow for application process and ordering medallions.)
The Governor’s Leadership Medallion is a special recognition for Kiwanians within the Georgia District who have exemplified outstanding leadership skills by strengthening their club, division and/or the district furthering the mission of Kiwanis International.
To maintain the integrity of the award, a specified number of awardees are not guaranteed. Clubs may nominate one or more members. Lt. Governors will decide on the semifinalists and submit to the governor. The governor, governor elect and vice governor will decide on the award winners. Clubs will be notified of the winners and every effort should be made to have families of the winners attend the division rally when the award will be given. Submit a nomination. (We need to move ASAP to allow for application process and ordering medallions.)
For Students:
The Hayden SLP Student Leadership Medallion Award (SLP Medallion)
Inaugurated in 2016, this Leadership award has been provided to Kiwanis youth leaders who are members of a sponsored K-Kids, Builders, Key and Circle K Clubs in Georgia. It is in memory of Dr. Mel Hayden who was a Georgia Kiwanis leader for 20 years and actively promoted the spirit of Service Leadership among Kiwanis youth in our communities. To be nominated, the student has demonstrated outstanding Service Leadership through the SLP in which he/she is a member. Service Leadership criteria are demonstrated by:
Inaugurated in 2016, this Leadership award has been provided to Kiwanis youth leaders who are members of a sponsored K-Kids, Builders, Key and Circle K Clubs in Georgia. It is in memory of Dr. Mel Hayden who was a Georgia Kiwanis leader for 20 years and actively promoted the spirit of Service Leadership among Kiwanis youth in our communities. To be nominated, the student has demonstrated outstanding Service Leadership through the SLP in which he/she is a member. Service Leadership criteria are demonstrated by:
- “Heart to Serve”--shows compassion for others, recognizes needs in the school and community
- “Call to Lead”--shows willingness to volunteer, takes leadership positions, and helps solve problems
- “Courage to Engage”--shows eagerness to engage with others and build interpersonal relationship skills; communicates with others by being a good listener, and helps other SLP members to develop workable solutions to problems or with projects.
The G