Definition: "Council" in this case is the Kiwanis language for meetings of local Presidents, Presidents-Elect, Secretaries, Treasurers, Directors, WITH Lieutenant Governors.
I need your help in attending this meeting on Saturday, July 27, 2024, and to have each of the nine clubs represented. Please come share the success and challenges that your club has enjoyed during the last year.
I appreciate the effort that I have seen from each of you - to make your club the best that it can be. I have also seen the value of peeking outside your small huddle, to see the success experienced by other clubs. Did you know that in the world, there are ~ forty-nine (49) Districts in Kiwanis International, of which Georgia is its own unique District. In the Georgia District, there are seventeen (17) Divisions, and in our twelfth (12th) Division there are the nine (9) clubs listed at the top of this newsletter.
Equal Distances ?
I have attempted to locate this meeting in a geographically friendly location for all nine clubs, approximately less than thirty minutes drive per home club location.
By meeting at 2:00 PM on Saturday, Jones Barbeque in Temple Georgia is able to accommodate us in the separate dining room after his lunch rush is finished.
Jones BBQ is known for its (or course,) BBQ, salad bar, burgers, ribeye steaks, old fashioned fries and onion rings, desserts, etc...
Presidents and Secretaries - please notify me if you are unavailable to attend in-person. We send representatives: need each club represented !
Neil Weathington
(770) 328-3168