Posted by Dr. Fred Richards on Dec 03, 2021

Let the visitor beware -
for Dr. Fred Richards
Introduces guests

with a FLARE !!!


Guests December 3, 2021
Dan Minish  -  Times-Georgian reporter, Dan Minish joined us to enjoy and report on the music program by Karen Vance, who has provided entertainment over the years for countless organizations and events, donating all her earnings to charitable causes.
Anniversaries  -  The Club celebrated the December anniversaries of several members, but I, now in my geriatric years, failed to see that Norman Deese was seated nearby.  Norman and wife, Becky are celebrating their wedding anniversary this month and on December 28th Norman will also be celebrating his birthday.  My heart-felt apologies for failing to recognize my fellow Kiwanian, Norman Deese, and wife Becky. 




Invite Guests !
[  Editor's note:   When you bring a guest, please collect contact information.  Thanks to  Matthew Clay for designing the Guest Form that is parked on the Club's website.  We will add friends to the weekly e-bulletin and stay in touch.  ]